Many of us are in constant need of space. If you considering adding more square meters to your property we will guide you trough the whole process from obtaining the planing permission to sign off the carried out works through the building control.
We will help you to design and configure new space to be as practical and beautiful as possible. Its always an important process to plan and visualize your ideas before it became reality so you can arrange your new room as you like it.
The roof cover is the one of the most important part of your home and it is a serious investment to your property. It has to be installed properly and in accordance to the existing standards so it will protect you and your home from harsh weather for many years to come. In addition you might think to update/upgrade your roofline.
Roofs must be compatible with the architecture of the building and blend in with the surroundings.
Deciding on the roof or other roofing work, many people will face a dilemma of choice, because in addition to performance our specialists will also advise you what product to chose. Remember that poorly constructed or installed roofs and its timber structure are very hard to improve
Excellent kitchen is much more than another room - it is a heart of every home. Kitchen should not be only beautiful but also functional. It is important where and in what order to set the equipment. Much depends on the technical capabilities, the shape of the room and just as importantly from our habits.
Remember about easily washable floor, a suitable ventilation system to prevent damp problems and paint discoloration, spacious closets and drawers, good lighting and durable worktop.
Bathroom in every house is a special place, we start and end our day here. So we want to have the interior climate that energise us in the morning for all day and in the evening provided a relaxing time. We also want to comfortably use the bathroom and have in close reach of hand cosmetics and various small items needed during and after the bath .
Therefore, in many homes and apartments bathroom turns into exquisite, meticulously decorated bath area, absorbing a large part of the budget allocated into equipment. The more spacious the bathroom, the easier it is to decorate it and make a comfortable space. However, regardless of its size, the distribution of the necessary sanitary facilities, furniture and other pieces of equipment need a lot of attention.
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